Short Portrait: Martin Fuchs

Martin Fuchs
Martin Fuchs

After his studies in Anthropology, Sociology and Modern Indology at the universities of Marburg, Heidelberg and Frankfurt/Main, Fuchs completed his PhD in 1985 at the University of Frankfurt/Main. Afterwards he taught in various positions at the universities of Zürich, Heidelberg and FU Berlin. There he habilitated in 1997. From then onwards he taught and researches at the universities of Paderborn, Heidelberg (Südasien-Institut), FU Berlin, Central European University, Budapest, and the University of Canterbury, Christchurch. Martin Fuchs was Founding Director of the New Zealand South Asia Centre (2008-2009). Since 2009 he is Professur for the History of Indian Religions at Max-Weber-Kolleg/University Erfurt.

 [More information on this anthropologist is welcome]

Selected Publications:

2009: “Reaching out; or, Nobody exists in one context only: Society as translation.” Translation Studies Vol. 2, S. 21ff.
2004 (ed. mit Linkenbach, A. und Randeria, S.): Konfigurationen der Moderne. Diskurse zu Indien, Nomos Verlag.
1999: Kampf um Differenz. Repräsentation, Subjektivität und soziale Bewegungen. Das Beispiel Indien, Suhrkamp Verlag.
1993 (3. Aufl. 1999, ed. mit Berg, E.): Kultur, soziale Praxis, Text. Die Krise der ethnographischen Repräsentation, Suhrkamp Verlag.
1988: Theorie und Verfremdung. Max Weber, Louis Dumont und die Analyse der indischen Gesellschaft, Lang Verlag.


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