Short Portrait: Ivan R. Kortt

Ivan R. Kortt
Ivan R. Kortt

* 1942 + 1997

Kortt studied Turcology, Western Asian Archaeology and Ethnologie in Munich. In Ethnologie, Vajda was his main teacher.

He completed his PhD in 1977. From 1978 to 1982 he worked ad scientific assistant, from 1982 to 86 as university assistant, and since 1986 as Akademischer Rat in Berlin.

 [More information on this anthropologist is welcome]


1977 Zur Erzähltradition der Enec. München ; 1985 (with J. B. Simchenko)
Wörterverzeichnis der nganasanischen Sprache, Teil 1
. Berlin; 1990 (with Simchenko, J.B.)
Materialien zur geistigen und dinglichen Kultur der Nganasan-Samojeden
; 1996 /with Georg Elwert & Jürgen Jensen (Hg.))
Kulturen und Innovationen. Festschrift für Wolfgang Rudolph
. Berlin: Duncker & Humblot

(text by Dieter Haller, base on BAA; photo source:

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